things you can do with this tool r making people look up and down.
you can also legs and body parts move to make a picture look different
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
the other features are the 3d tools to make his lettering 3d
he can also put a shadow under his 3d lettering
and with the 3d lettering he can add any texture
he ca also rotate the 3d lettering with a tool in photoshop
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
1 3d painting lets you paint on the picture
2 pop it warp lets you move any part of the picture
3 HDR pro
4 mask content aware fill gets rid of the picture and paints the rest of the background
Monday, 12 March 2012
you press command then you click on you layer to outline the whole picture
you rotate the image according to the angle that it is at
Friday, 9 March 2012
layers help you edit things without having do it to the hole picture
like if you want to Color one thing than you put it in another later
if you look on bottom left corner you will see all of your layers
Thursday, 1 March 2012
my feeling after viewing this photo are that hurricane catrina really messed stuff up
the meaning is to show what the theme park looks like now
take pictures of other stuff that has been wreaked
it shows the mood by making it very dark